
Smart beta investments

Our smart beta equity investments offer you the benefits of active and passive investing. These portfolios aim to achieve benchmark-outperforming returns at lower fees than what is associated with traditional equity portfolios.
We achieve this by following a rules-based process to identify shares that are likely to outperform due to having trending, value or quality attributes.

Porfolio outcomes icon in red.

Portfolio outcomes

returns Capital growth

Investment horizon icon in red.

Investment horizon

3 to 7 years

Risk icon in red.


Medium to high

Smart beta investments and your portfolio

Smart beta portfolios have similar risk and return profiles compared to traditional equity portfolios. What sets our smart beta portfolios apart is the distinct investment styles that allow you to diversify over a combination of smart beta portfolios. A blended solution should result in portfolios with similar returns in the medium to long term, but at lower risk.

Smart beta portfolio range

Trending Equity

Equity market risk
7+ years

Value Equity

Equity market risk
7+ years

Quality Equity

Equity market risk
7+ years

Rules and regulations

Our portfolios are compliant with Regulation 28 of the Pension Funds Act.

FSCA logo.

Financial Sector Conduct Authority (FSCA)

We are licensed with the FSCA and comply to the market conduct regulations stipulated by the FSCA.

Asisa logo.

Association for Savings and Investment South Africa (ASISA)

Our governing body, ASISA, provides best practice guidelines to make sure the investor is the focal point of everything we do.

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Contact us

Momentum Investments is part of Momentum Metropolitan Life Limited, an authorised financial services (FSP6406) and registered credit provider (NCRCP173), rated B-BBEE Level 1.

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