Flexible Investment Option
In the modern age we like to live freely. We don’t like just anyone telling us what to do, or the burden of rules and restrictions. This can be what you’re looking for in an investment – the freedom to tailor it to meet just what you need, and no regulatory restrictions. You can access it when you want and even request to withdraw a regular amount to supplement your income if you want to. You can change it when your circumstances change.
You invest so that you have enough for your needs on your journey to success. We know it’s unique – whether you’re investing in your children’s education, a dream or leaving a legacy.
Minimum investment
A lump sum of R50 000.
A regular debit order of R1 000 per month.
Choose from a wealth of investment solutions. Minimise the tax you pay. Take up your 20% a year to supplement your income.
Investment period
You can keep your money invested until you’ve achieved your goal, or take it out when
you need it.
How can the Flexible Investment Option help you?
It gives you the flexibility and freedom you need to invest without restrictions.
You choose how you would like to invest, and how much you want to withdraw whenever you need to.
You also choose the most suitable investment solutions to help you achieve your goal. The longer you stay invested, the better.